Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Barefoot Rover

I have not posted a blog in quite some time.  With the ease and continuous stream of twitter I never felt it necessary.  I have once again been awakened deep inside with that need to share myself in a more meaningful way with anyone willing to look.  Vulnerability is a hard word to spell and a hard way to live.  It seems that perhaps one can't fully know who they are without being willing to tear away the flesh and peer deep inside with no fear of letting those who share your life, even for a brief moment, to discover you at the same time.  I have discarded the Anarchist in Boots for the new Barefoot Rover.  I no longer wear boots and I no longer feel like an anarchist.  It is a label that does not come close to describing me.  I spend far more time barefoot than I ever have before.  I am about to begin a wonderful, scary, tumultuous journey.  There are times in one's life that you truly feel the part of sojourner, rambler, traveler.  Where the road is obscured by fog and you have no idea what lies behind that next bend, but unafraid you place one foot in front of the other and move forward.  This is one of those times.  These times require an inordinate amount of strength, patience and courage.  One thing that I learned over the last year is that without pain you will not get stronger.  This is not a pain that you feel because of something that someone else does, but a pain that you have brought on yourself by hard work.  While training for the Tough Mudder, I would push myself to the point of pain nearly every day.  Watching someone else work out isn't going to make me stronger.  Even just knowing how to get stronger is not enough to get it done.  I have to move into a place where I am willing to push myself to the point of pain because I know that without work there is no pain.  Without pain there is no growth.  Without growth there is only stagnation then death.  I view this as critical in every aspect of my life.  Emotionally, physically and metaphysically if I don't work I atrophy.

Peace and Love are my new goals for both myself and for you

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited and scared for you to take this exhilarating but terrifying leap. I'll gladly listen, read and respond when helpful. Peace and love in return.
