Monday, February 4, 2013

nothing to do with the buddha

It turns out, that the blog is a helluva a good idea.  It is necessary.  It is informative to those who are interested.  It is a wonderful outlet.  That is until you are with people who want to hear what you have to say.  Blogging becomes redundant when there are enough people who are interested in what you have to say.  It is an interesting phenomenon.  I find it hard to blog because the words I would use, the things I would say are already out there in the atmosphere.  It is not the permanence of the words that I seek through blogging, but getting them out of my head.  This is not an indictment of blogging or me, but a recognition of human interaction that I desire.  I am not done blogging or even taking an extended hiatus.  I am merely recognizing that when I can spill things out, the blog suffers.  I love words.  I always have.  It turns out that I may have a limited number of them.  I have always thought of myself as a quiet individual.  Perhaps, that is because when I said what I have to say, I am done.  That being said, there is nothing more relieving than letting people know who you are.  I think that is called being vulnerable.  I am enjoying a revival of that in my life.  I hope that you all, and myself, benefit from that.  I truly believe that without being open and honest with myself and everyone I encounter, it is I who will suffer.
I wish for you all to find happiness and the root of happiness.

1 comment:

  1. I resonate with all you have said here. Its good to know and to be known in return. I'm happy you're finding the innately human joy and relief in this new vulnerability.
